Returning New & Unused items

If you are unsatisfied with one or more of the items you purchased, please return it to Impact Patches within 30 days of purchasing. Returned products must be returned unused and in the same, brand-new condition it was received.

Returned items must be shipped using prepaid postage, we do not accept C.O.D. returns. You may use your own shipping method; we advise you to use a shipping method with tracking. We are not responsible for items returned and lost during shipping or not delivered to the following address:

Impact Patches Returns

4313 Haines Road

Duluth, MN 55811


Upon receiving your returned item, the original account charged will be refunded in the amount paid for that item. Please note, shipping charges are only refunded if the item is returned due to a manufacturing defect.

Returns After 30 Days

If you are returning an item 30 days after it was purchased, please return the item using the same methods described above.

Upon receiving your returned item, you will be notified of a credit placed on your account at Impact Patches, in the amount originally paid for that item. Please note, shipping charges are only refunded or credited if the item is returned within 30 days and due to a manufacturing defect.

Damaged or Defective Items

If you received any items that are or appear to be damaged, defective, or worn, please contact us immediately and we will assist you right away in replacing that item.